Joerg Steegmueller

Bio & Profile

+353 87 2931571


Dublin, Ireland


Leadership Training
Telecoms for Businesses
Coaching & Consulting
Web Design
Online Marketing
IT Support

Hobbies & Passions

Padel Tennis
Teaching & Speaking
Gardiner Street Gospel Choir
Sound Engineering
Playing Bass Guitar
Playing Blues Harmonica
Flying model helicopters


Teaching & Educating
Analytical Thinking
Problem Solving
Online Publishing

Trainer, Speaker and Business coach in Dublin, Ireland

My life started in Germany, as you probably guessed from my name! ;-)

I grew up in a small village in the South West, not too far from the French border and after secondary school in Landau/Pfalz, I did my military service.

This was followed by studying Computer Science & Computer Engineering and I got a M.Sc. from the University of Karlsruhe.

In my first job I was an IT Consultant for CompuNet, Germany's largest IT Consultancy and Systems Integrator at the time. I absolutely loved my job, but other love interfered and brought me to Dublin, Ireland, a move that certainly changed my life!

After a few more stops as a Systems Consultant, I started a telecommunications company with a business partner that we called Broighter Networks and which provides high-bandwidth telecommunications services for businesses.

The company keeps me occupied and we provide a 1st class service to all our customers. (I am looking after Sales & Marketing in Broighter Networks). But over the years I also discovered some other interests that developed into part-time jobs or long-term hobbies:

In 2007 I founded the "Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events)", Ireland's biggest and most popular event publications for cultural events with no admission charges. It grew to 24,000 subscribers and more than 80,000 Facebook Followers. It has changed a little in 2018, but is still going strong with LOTS of followers.

In 2018 I founded the "Inspiring Leadership Academy" to teach leadership and mentoring skills, something I LOVE doing. I am qualified as an Extreme Leadership Facilitator, Business Coach, NLP Master Practitioner & NLP Trainer and Hypnotist.

In 2019 I started providing Online Marketing and IT Support services and I added Web Design a little later. We create websites on Wordpress and have been and are working on some interesting projects. The company is called "Perfect Results Marketing".

In my spare time I love love love playing Padel Tennis and have started to create the Padel is Fun community of English-speaking Padel Tennis enthusiasts. I am a Padel Coach, I am also a Krav Maga (Self-defence) Instructor, Sound Engineer for the popular Gardiner Street Gospel Choir, Singer in an Elvis Tribute Band, Electric Unicycle Enthusiast, Bass Player, Blues Harmonica Player, Flying Enthusiast and general Problem Solver.

I love being busy as long as it with things that I love! Live is good and I am enjoying it! ;-)

As a "pressure valve" I post my thoughts and opinions about things that are going wrong in Ireland in a blog at times. It is not really a regular blog and a LOT of internal pressure is needed before I release it through the blog, but if you are interested in Joerg's Ramblings, give it a go.

If you want to find me or contact me, check out the social media buttons below or go to and if you want to have a chat with me about something I might be able to help with, you can book a slot here
My e-mail address is: contact AT jsteegmueller DOT com

And if you want to find out more about my passions and projects and hobbies, then there are further descriptions and links below as well.

Broighter Networks

Broighter Networks is a telecommunications services provider for enterprises and the public sector in Dublin. We are specialists for the delivery of highly-reliable high-bandwidth services over our own fibre optic network and microwave links. Broighter Networks has a 15 minutes response time, the best in the Irish telecommunications market.

The Inspiring Leadership Academy provides training, coaching and consulting to businesses and individuals in the areas of leadership, mentorship and teamwork. We believe in the importance of "Do what you love in the service of the people that love what you do!".

Broighter Networks

Perfect Results Marketing provides Web Design and Online Marketing Services to businesses of all sizes. If you want to let the world know what you do and what services or products you provide, we can help you reaching more people in the most efficient way.

"Padel Is Fun" is an international Fan Page for all english-speaking Padel Tennis Enthusiasts. Padel is Fun provides news and information about the world of Padel Tennis and helps spreading the word about this great sport even further. If you have never heard of Padel Tennis, check out our website and Instagram Page.

Broighter Networks

The Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events) is Dublin's biggest and most popular event publication that focuses on events with no admission charges. Every week we compile a list of all the cultural events that happen in Dublin. The Dublin Event Guide has 24,000 e-mail subscribers and 80,000 Facebook Followers.

The Gardiner Street Gospel Choir is a one of Ireland's most renowned gospel choirs. Based in St. Francis Xavier's Church on Gardiner Street, the choir is known for the energy and enthusiasm it brings to the weekly gospel mass on Sunday evenings.